Ever dreamt of hitting that epic road trip with your canine companion by your side, the wind in his fur and a goofy grin on his face? 

Well, traveling with pets is similar to handling a double-edged sword. While some furry explorers thrive on new smells and sights, others may experience travel anxiety. 

So, before you pack the leash and kibble, let’s understand the impact of travel on your four-legged friend!

Why do some pets develop travel anxiety?

Imagine being strapped into a metal box and racing down the highway along with unfamiliar sounds and sights bombing your senses. 

It is sufficient to make you nervous! Motion sickness also plays a part in leaving your dog feeling queasy and associating travel with unpleasantness. 

Besides, if a pet travel in your car is limited to veterinary clinics, he will feel anxious or scared getting in.

Are some breeds prone to travel jitters?

Absolutely! High-strung breeds like Jack Russell Terriers and Border Collies may find confinement and lack of control on moving too overwhelming. 

Brachycephalic breeds like bulldogs and pugs with squished snouts can experience breathing difficulties in airplanes and hot cars. 

Knowing your breed’s temperament and any potential health concerns is essential for a smooth journey. 

How to ensure your pet has a positive experience?

Preparation is key! Desensitize your pet to the travel experience by taking short car rides to fun places like the park. Practice getting in and out of their carriers, making it a familiar and comfortable space. 

Never force your pet into a situation that makes them feel distressed – a stressed pet can badly retaliate. If your pet is a highly anxious traveler, talk to your vet about calming medications.

The golden rule for smooth car rides with your furry friend

  • Pack lots of water and food
  • Take frequent breaks and allow them to stretch their legs and relieve themselves.
  • Keep the car cool and well-ventilated.
  • Never leave them unattended in a hot car, even for a quick errand.
  • Research airlines with good vet policies and carriers that meet the size and ventilation requirements for air travel. 

Look for pet movers

If you are moving across the country or internationally or your pet has special needs that need constant attention, consider engaging Dog Gone Taxi, a pet travel agency. 

They handle everything from securing pet-friendly accommodations to navigating airline regulations. Their handlers bond with your pet and during transportation, allow comfort stops & boarding. They are always with your pet, just like you would during car rides. 

Your pet can handle the travel adventure with some planning and preparation. You can create lasting memories together. 

However, if your gut tells you he would be better at home, there is no shame! A relaxing stay at home with a trusted pet sitter may be suitable for your anxious adventurer. 

So, consider your pet’s well-being the next time you plan a trip. Travel jitters can be transformed into joyful tail wags with some pre-planning. Just remember, a smooth journey for your pet starts with a suitable decision on your part!