Removing tick from your pet, or worse — ticks —will not be very pleasant experience; however it is very important to do this correctly and promptly. When you learn removing a tick from your dog, it becomes a simple process.
As they will carry some infectious organisms, each year ticks infect plenty of animals and even people with illnesses such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis and babesiosis, among many more. Pathogen transmission will happen as fast as 3 to 6 hours after the bite happens, thus sooner you remove this tick less chance your dog can get sick.
Collect Your Supplies
First you have to begin your tick removal procedure is the tick-removal tool made to help you to safely remove the ticks from dog in just one piece. You can use tweezers with the pointed end in case you do not have the tick-removal tool.
You must wear set of gloves that will protect your hands while carry out this process. Wear gloves while dealing with the ticks: These ticks found on dog are quite effective disease carriers, so some diseases will affect you & your family.
Lastly, have the pet-friendly best dog treats, sealed container and disinfectant handy to dispose the tick once you remove it.
Ways to Get Rid Of Ticks from Your Dog
Skip gasoline, petroleum jelly, nail polish, alcohol, and hot match. All these methods will force the infected fluids back in the bite. Rather:
- Use tissue or gloves to cover hands.
- Grasp tick with the tweezers from side, by head and close to skin.
- Pull it up. Do not twist.
- Do not squeeze (pop!) its bloated belly.
Cleanup & After-Care
Drop this tick in isopropyl alcohol and check the date that you found a tick. Suppose your pet starts displaying any symptoms of tick-borne illness, then your veterinarian would like to identify and test it. Certain symptoms include lameness or arthritis that lasts for 3 to 4 days, not able to move, fever, swollen joints, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, neurological problems and loss of appetite.
Clean your hands and clean your dogs wound with some antiseptic and ensure you clean the tweezers with the isopropyl alcohol. Keep a check on that area where tick was taken out for any infection. Suppose the skin stays irritated and infected, you must immediately make the appointment with the veterinarian and get it checked thoroughly.